One of my friend invited you to her birthday party the other day. You have very important apointment on that day, so you told her you can't go.
On the day before her birthday party, you receive an email from her:
"You are not coming tomorrow, right?"
You reply: " Yes...sorry about that. "
Just because the Japanese do not say NO, it does not mean that they always answer YES.
It's just a "soft" refusal.
They think along the lines: "I wonder what kind of position the other person will be in if I said no. If I do this, will the other person dislike it? Is it annoying to them?". "How would I feel/react if I was in their shoes" is the way the Japanese are taught to think.
To put it negatively, it can be said that it is a technique to keep the "Harmony" ("wa" in Japanese). A long time ago, for people living in the countryside, in a symbiotic society dependent on "cooperation" and "collaboration", it was necessary to be prepared for "death" if you get out of the social circle. Therefore, behaving like "everyone" was one of the ways to survive.
About 1400 years ago, one of the regents created the Seventeen-Article Constitution. In the first chapter, there is a sentence that reminds people about cooperation. This way of thinking is so pervasive in Japan.
There are individual differences in how Japanese people divide YES / NO, but in general, it can be judged in this way.
「"Y E S"」= YES
・「YES, + "but" or "well..."」or 「"It's difficult..."」= NO
相手が私の言ったことでどんな立場になるか、とか、常にこれをしたら相手が嫌がるかな? 迷惑になるかな? 自分だったらどう思うかな、ということを考えて行動するように躾けられる。
否定的に言うと、「和」から外れないようにする技ということができる。 その昔、田舎で暮らす人にとっては、「協調」「協力」など共生社会の中で、その輪から外れることは「死」も覚悟しなければならない状況だった。だから、「みんなと同じ」ように振る舞うことが生き残る手段の一つだった。